Movements are underway across the United States to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. While the major focus is on July of 2026 for America’s birthday party, the celebrations have already begun. It started in Boston Last month, Boston hosted a celebration of the Boston Tea Party, an event in December of 1773 that lit a fuse for the revolution to come. (You can read about it in this Boston Herald article.) The tea was subject to a British tax imposed on the colonists, and they expressed their outrage by the “destruction of the tea” as the event was called at the time. In a letter to his friend George William Fairfax in June of 1774, George Washington wrote, “the Ministry [in England] may rely on it that Americans will never be tax’d without their own consent [and] that the cause of Boston … now is and ever will be considered as the cause of America.” Washington did not support the destruction of private property. In the same letter he said “not that we approve of their cond[uc]t in destroying the Tea.” So, while he supported Boston’s rejection of the unjust tax, he considered destruction of property the wrong approach against it. (View our short video about the tea destruction.)
Later this year you may see commemorations of the First Continental Congress, which brought together delegates from the American colonies in Philadelphia to work together rather than individually against Britain’s “intolerable acts” against the colonies. Washington’s military leadership begins In 2025, watch for reenactments and celebrations of the shot heard ‘round the world, the first armed engagement of British forces and colonial militia at Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts in April of 1775. Later that summer, George Washington was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army, and went to Boston, the focus of conflict at the time.

The 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence will be the highlight of 2026, followed by a series of specific battle anniversaries and remembrances in the ensuing years. The French alliance will be celebrated for the critical support it offered the continental forces.
Success is in sight!
In 2031 we can expect celebrations of the decisive Battle of Yorktown, at which British General Cornwallis surrendered to the Continental Army. This is considered the final major battle of the war, although the Treaty of Paris wasn’t final until 1783—another opportunity for a 250th anniversary.
That will complete ten years of celebrating the success of the American Revolution. If you have ever wanted to participate in reenacting historical events, this would be a great time to get involved. Your friend Google can help you find reenacting groups in your area. George Washington Speaks will celebrate these events with new videos and presentations, and you can be part of it!
If you are interested in research, script writing for videos, portraying characters, or sharing other ideas, please contact me via email. I’ll be very interested to hear from you!
In whatever way you choose to participate, I look forward to celebrating America’s revolutionary history together.