GEORGE WASHINGTON SPEAKS has been the highlight of many events. Consider it for your next gathering. Vern will speak to you and tailor his presentation to your group’s interests.

Vern Frykholm was inspired to portray George Washington after listening to Dr. Peter Lillback talk about his book, “George Washington’s Sacred Fire” in 2011 at the George Washington Inn near Sequim, Washington.
In July, 2012, Vern joined 50 other people to tour Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with Dr. Lillback.
During that week they visited many historic places involving the American Revolution. The tour ended at Valley Forge, where Dean Malissa, the foremost portrayer of George Washington in the nation, presented his thoughts on the revolution. Vern was so impressed by his presentation, he became convinced that the State of Washington deserved its own George Washington.
Since then, Vern has made more than 500 appearances, talked to more than 26,000 people, and has been the keynote speaker at various state and regional conferences.
Vern’s goal is to present early America from Washington’s viewpoint with as much historical accuracy as possible. His presentations are not only educational, but entertaining and inspirational for all audiences: young people, retirees, businessmen, civic and patriotic groups, and veterans.
Thank you for your interest. Looking forward to further conversations.
Vernon L. Frykholm aka George Washington
Other presentations have been given to groups as varied as Rotary, Kiwanis and philanthropic clubs, Grange Halls, Retirement communities, Genealogical clubs, churches, and even private dinner parties.

George has presented to patriotic groups such as Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), Sons of the American Revolution (SAR), and veterans’ groups and has attended special events such as Veterans Day, Fourth of July, and Presidents Day celebrations, Northwest Colonial Festivals, and has led Caroling at the Capitol Rotunda in Olympia Washington.
M - F : 10 am–4 pm
Sat. & Sun. : Closed